Lunch Chat Campaign

It is the 1493rd year of the Seventh Era, in the month of Yeulas, god of Endurance. It has been two years since the spell forge, a source of powerful magical weapons and armour, was relit and resumed operation under the supervision of the Coeminster Pact, a coalition of local leading lords. News of the relighting of the spell forge spread quickly throughout Auriin. Migrants came from all around to find work in the forge and the towns surrounding it, and merchants sought to establish contracts with the forge’s new owners and to reinforce trade routes in the region.
The Spell Forge lies in the North West of the continent, in the region of Fëaforn. This region lies at one end of a great and ancient Trade Road, which runs all the way to the continent’s South-Eastern tip where it terminates in the great city of Morqhād.
It is somewhere along this trade road where you find yourselves now - in the tiny frontier town of Lunchát.
Lunchát lies in the Vyndingeld Pass, a mountainous region near the very centre of Auriin, where three regions converge: the temperate and green realm of Fëaforn to the North West; the fungal jungles of Kharn to the North East; and the vast and arid kingdom of Morlan to the South-East. The region is home to the tribal Bunrwo people, a group of ancient clans rumoured to be allied with Storm Drakes who fled with them from the War of Dragons. In addition, the surrounding mountains are home to Dwarves, Giants and Orcs, who are known to venture down into the valley from time to time. The Vyndingeld Pass’ western reaches are blanketed in thick deciduous forests, which fade into arid grassland to the east, in the rain shadow of the southernmost stretch of the Evening Wall.
The town of Lunchát was founded as a basecamp for worshippers of a deity known as The Vigilense, whose clerics and paladins are known for venturing out into the wilds to ward off evil forces, and to ensure that the wilderness between islands of civilisation is a comfort, not a terror. Since the relighting of the Spell Forge, the increased traffic on the Trade Road has brought new life to Lunchát, with most new settlers arriving with the intention to capitalise on the footfall.
Call to Adventure
The reason for your presence in Lunchát is up to you. Perhaps you are a cleric of The Vigilense, stationed at the church as a steward of the surrounding wilderness; an agent of the Coeminster Pact, here to ensure the village prospers; a mercenary of the Iacren Guild, come to earn some gold guarding trade caravans; or simply an adventurer, taking advantage of the Trade Road to travel further from home than you’ve ever been before.
Character Creation
You will start the campaign with a level 1 character.
You can use any of the playable races and classes found on this wiki. Each article has a Source that you can use to find the relevant stats and traits online or in books if you own any. If you've seen content in other sources that isn't mentioned on the wiki but that you'd like to use, message me and I'll take a look.
It is important that your character has a strong motivation for participating in the adventure, but what this motivation is is entirely up to you. You can use the lore on this page and elsewhere on this wiki for inspiration, but don't let it constrain you. I'll be happy to workshop any ideas with you.
Once you've settled on a character concept, you can follow the Basic Rules to create your character, if you need them. I will create a digital character sheet for you on Roll20, so make sure you've created an account and joined the campaign using the link I've sent in the Discord. I'm happy to run a session or two to help everyone with character sheets, so don't worry if it's a bit overwhelming.
Variant Rules
We will be using the following variant rules:
- Customising Your Origin. As per TCE, pg. 7, you may rearrange ability score increases, languages and proficiencies granted by your race and background.
- Rolling for Stats. If you roll for stats as per the PHB, you may re-roll if the sum of your ability scores is less than 70. Alternatively, you may use Point Buy (PHB, pg. 13) to determine your ability scores.
- Feats. You may take feats where applicable.
- Multiclassing. Multiclassing is allowed.
- Variant Human. You may take the Human (Variant) race (PHB, pg. 31).
- Optional Features. You may take any of the optional class features and expanded subclass spell lists from TCE.
Coeminster Pact
Knights of the Coeminster Pact regularly patrol the span of the trade road that runs through Fëaforn. Lunchát sits on the fringe of their jurisdiction, but the knights regularly stop here to rest and to check on the village’s progress. The Bunrwo people native to the mountain pass where Lunchát resides do not respect the authority of the Coeminster Pact, but are not hostile. Some Morlan and Nurian leaders view the upstart frontier town of Lunchát to be an attempt by the Coeminster Pact to expand their territory influence into the South-East of Auriin, and to gain decisive control over the Vyndingeld Pass.
Order of the Great Guard
The Order of the Great Guard are worshippers of The Vigilense, an aspect of Torum known as the watcher over the dark wilds. They are in Lunchát seeking to fortify the trade road, and to protect travellers from any evil that wishes them harm.
Stationed in the town are their clerics, known as Watchers, and their paladins, known as Guards. They are led by High Watcher Elysande, a senior cleric of the church. The mother church lies just outside of Carricall, at the centre of a village that has grown around the church named Wardenthrop.

High Watcher Elysande
Elysande is a motherly, nurturing figure. She is tall, for a human, but otherwise of a fairly slight build. She wears red vestments that bear symbols of The Vigilense, whose hood often hides her ginger hair and shrouds her pale and fine-featured face. In combat, she wears a heavy leather glove on her left hand and a shield on her right, both of which carry the image of a staring eye, representing the vigilant watch of The Vigilense.
Iacren Guild
The Iacren Guild are a mercenary company, whose members have set up shop at various stops along the trade road, hoping to capitalise on the increase in traffic due to the relighting of the Spell Forge. Their numbers consist of a mix of veteran soldiers and retired adventurers from across Auriin.
In Lunchát, the guild is organised and represented by Secretary Guildmaster Mona Saag, a surprisingly mellow retired Hobgoblin warlord.
Secretary Guildmaster Mona Saag
Mona Saag is a veteran Hobgoblin warrior, at one time the warlord of a small but successful mercenary warband. In his old age, he has retired from active participation in mercenary contracts, in favour of administrating a small branch of the Iacren Guild.