
Region of Auriin
The region of Fëaforn
The region of Fëaforn
Notable Cities
  • Bartrioch
  • Carricall
  • The North Gate
  • Teyapacan
Common Races


The North-West region of the largest continent in Auriin, Fëaforn ranged from the glacial High Ice in the North, to the temperate grasslands of Foscarden to the South, where the region shared a border with Nurfel.

The most hardy races made up the populace of Fëaforn; Humans, Dwarves, Gnomes, Orcs, Goliaths and Giants were some of the most typical inhabitants of the region.

For the most part, the region was governed by powerful lords and rich barons, though many remote settlements were left to govern themselves. The Coeminster Pact was an agreement between the most powerful rulers of Fëaforn, that intended to ensure the protection of their citizens from the evil forces that infested the wilderness between islands of civilization.

In the year 949, a horde of orcs swept across Fëaforn, laying waste to most everything in their path. Eevidence of the Orcish destruction was still apparent throughout the region even several centuries later.