
Character Options
Playable Race
  • MPMM, pg. 23


Hobgoblins were one of the largest races of goblinoid, and also the most intelligent. They measured virtue by physical strength and martial prowess, caring about little but the opportunity to demonstrate skill and cunning in battle. Hobgoblins often sought to take and hold positions of power by force.

Hobgoblins organised themselves into tribal bands known as legions or warbands. In their society every individual had a rank, from the powerful leaders and champions to their goblin minions who found themselves driven into the front lines at spear point.


Hobgoblins had no true home, but their legions were often on the move, claiming lands abundant in resources, holding them long enough to strip them of those resources, and moving on to the next conquest.

In some cases, a Hobgoblin warlord would have their holdings fortified more permanently, using their stronghold as a base from which to send out raiding parties.