
Character Options
Playable Race
  • MPMM, pg. 26


Lizardfolk were tall, semi-aquatic reptilian humanoids who, while bearing a light resemblance to kobolds and dragonborn, were not of draconic heritage. They were strong and hardy beings, with thick scaly hides that protected against attack, and thick, muscular tails that made them particularly gifted swimmers.

Lizardfolk were driven by more primitive feelings than most other humanoid races, largely revolving around fear, aggression, and pleasure. They were pragmatic when threatened, staying calm but often opting to flee when faced with a more powerful foe.


Lizardfolk ranged from serpentine to gecko-like, with every tribe having rather distinct features that set them apart. They ranged in height from 4½ to 6 feet tall, and had wildly varying builds from tribe to tribe.


Lizardfolk were native to the humid and swampy western coast of Dovrok, where their semi-aquatic nature allowed them to thrive, unlike most other inhabitants of the island.

Few lizardfolk ever migrated to the mainland of Auriin, but those who did often chose to make home in Nurfel or Kharn, with both regions offering familiar terrain and uncontested land.

A map of Auriin depicting the distribution of Lizardfolk tribes across the continent.

A map of Auriin depicting the distribution of Lizardfolk tribes across the continent. [view enlarged]