
The region of Dovrok.
The region of Dovrok.
Region of Auriin
Notable Cities
Common Races


Dovrok had been home to some of the most ancient civilizations in Auriin. This island in the far north-west was the ancestral home of the Eladrin, the clade of elves most connected to their fey ancestry. Legends tell of a magical site, hidden deep in the island’s interior, where the first fey broke into the world from the Feywild, one of the two parallel planes, early in the Fourth Era.

In the Fifth Era, the majority of the island's inhabitants were of gnome and elf-kind. The culture was rich and vibrant, with heavy arcane influences. Dovrok's tinker gnomes were great innovators, providing the region with awe-inspiring technology and iron-clad defences. Such defences were used to great effect, to protect the island's wealth and upper classes.

The island is layered with dense, vibrant forests, and bordered on all coasts by clear, calm seas. It is believed by many that it is an arcane force which stills the seas, and which allows the tropical flora to thrive this far north. The jungles of Dovrok are inhabited by a huge diversity of beasts, from those seen commonly across the rest of Auriin, to those more unique to the island such as apes, tigers and giant reptiles. Tribes of humanoid reptile folk present a hazard to any adventurers who may go wandering the jungle; their settlements dot the inner reaches of the island, amidst dense jungles and deep, dank caverns.