
Character Options
Playable Race
  • PHB, pg. 32
  • FTD, pg. 9


The Dragonborn were a race of humanoid half-dragons, the product of alliances between Dragon- and Man-kind during the early years of the great War of Dragons. Since then, clans of Dragonkin, though rare, could be found throughout Auriin.


Dragonborn looked very much like dragons standing upright in humanoid form, though they lacked wings or tails. Their skin was covered in scales of colours reflecting their draconic lineage, though in much duller tones than the vibrant hues of true dragons. They were tall and well-built, often measuring well over 6’6” and weighing over 300 pounds. Dragonborn were born armed with breath weapons, like their ancestors.


To any dragonborn, the clan was more important than life itself. Dragonborn owed their devotion to their clan above all else, even the gods. A continual drive for improvement reflected the self-sufficiency of the race as a whole - dragonborn valued skill and excellence in all endeavours.


While some dragonborn remained in their ancestral home of Shuul, many went on to roam the entirety of Auriin. Some dragonborn integrated themselves with larger society, living amongst other humanoid races as equals, whereas others belonged to nomadic clans wandering the wilds.

Dragonborn with chromatic ancestry were widely - and often falsely - perceived as evil, due to the acts of certain chromatic dragons during the war. Thus, they often found themselves forced into reclusion, living far from society in forests, caves and ruins, in tight-knit family clans.

A map of Auriin depicting the distribution of Dragonborn tribes across the continent.

A map of Auriin depicting the distribution of Dragonborn tribes across the continent. [view enlarged]