
Character Options
Playable Race
  • PHB, pg. 35
  • MTF, pg. 113 (Deep Gnomes)


Gnomes had an unrivalled energy and enthusiasm for life, and personalities larger than their bodies were small. They excelled at channelling this energy into their passions, which often included alchemy, engineering, tinkering and inventing, as well as researching whatever curiosities were currently capturing their interest - often several at once.

Most gnomes were rather adverse to conflict, preferring to resolve tensions through humour and merriment.


Just as varied as humans in appearance, gnomes were short and often slight. They stood between 3 and 3½ feet tall, and were remarkably light on their feet.


Their love of practical crafts, especially engineering, found gnomes homes up and down the west coast of the mainland, in Fëaforn and Nurfel, where gnome families often served as the resident alchemists, librarians and tinkerers of human, dwarf and halfling settlements.

Tinker gnomes in particular were found in their greatest numbers in Dovrok, where they made up a class of industrial innovators who supplied the realm with technology that could seem wonderous to most outsiders.

A map of Auriin depicting the distribution of Gnome subraces across the continent.

A map of Auriin depicting the distribution of Gnome subraces across the continent. [view enlarged]


Deep Gnomes

Deep gnome burrows extended further beneath the surface than those of other gnome subraces, occasionally extending to the fringes of the Underdark. They endured the dangers of the Underdark so that they might collect the minerals, gems and precious metals that it holds, for use in their crafts.

Deep gnomes were larger in build and shorter in lifespan than their relatives, with proportions not unlike the dwarves', and their life expectancy reduced even further when accounting for those claimed by the Underdark.

Deep Gnome Traits

See Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, p.113

Forest Gnomes

Forest gnomes made their homes in wooded, hilly lands. Their burrows were often concealed not only by clever contruction, but also by simple illusions, allowing them to go about their crafts in relative peace, though any friendly visitors were ushered into gnome homes with a warm welcome.

Forest Gnome Traits

See Player's Handbook, pg. 37

Tinker Gnomes

The native gnomish people of Dovrok had a natural hardiness, as well as an inventiveness beyond that of even other gnomes - a reputation that had them known the world over as tinker gnomes.

Typically their burrows extended deeper below the surface than those of their forest gnome siblings, but they were equally warm and welcoming. Tinker gnomes were known more than other gnome subraces to integrate themselves with other societies, living above ground with men, elves and halflings or within dwarven strongholds. The most notable example of this was the large population of Tinker gnomes living among high elves in Dovrok.

Tinker Gnome Traits

See Player's Handbook, pg. 37.