New Bhachai

/ˈnju: va.ˈxaɪ/NEW va-KHYE
New Bhachai


New Bhachai was a city that laid in the mountain pass where Mount Bhachai once stood. It was a physical and cultural bridge between Fëaforn and Kharn, inhabited primarily by Humans, Dwarves and Firbolgs.

The focal point of the city was the road that connected the East and West of Auriin, which ran through its centre at the city's lowest point, but the city extended high above the road, clinging to the sides of the mountains to the North and South. The architecture of New Bhachai featured a unique mix of Erechai stonework and organic fungal structures cultivated by the Firbolg residents.


In the year 1364 of the Seventh Era, the heartstone of Mount Bhachai was destroyed. This caused to mountain to crumble, leaving an opening in the Evening Wall between Fëaforn and Kharn. The fauna and mycoflora of Kharn began creeping into the West, but this didn't prevent ambitious settlers, including displaced Dwarves and Humans, from building homes in the newly-formed mountain pass.

By the mid-14th century, New Bhachai had grown into a sizeable city of Humans, Dwarves and Firbolgs, which exhibited a unique blend of cultures.

The new breach in the Evening Wall greatly eased travel between Fëaforn and Kharn, prompting an increase in exploration efforts by Westerners into Kharn. Equally, many Firbolgs and the more cordial of Sieni took the opportunity to discover the previously disconnected West of Auriin.