Human Ethnicities
The Auzgarne were the people of the Auzger Mountains, and their foothills to the South. They were hardy, nomadic people who could often be found along the trade road reaching westwards from Morqhād, seeking to sell trinkets made from precious minerals, bone and petrified wood from the desert. Auzgarne typically had fair or lightly tanned skin, and light- to medium-brown hair.
The Bunrwo people fled to the mainland of Auriin from the War of Dragons. It was said that they were accompanied on this migration by Storm Drakes, whose offspring continued to live alongside the Bunrwo people for many eras to follow.
They resided in the Vyndingeld Pass, where they intermingled with mountain dwarves and Mountain Giants. They were tall, slender people, with remarkably pale, greyish skin, coal black hair, and piercing, ice blue eyes. The Bunrwo people were mostly self-sufficient, keeping cattle, farming a range of root crops, and supposedly being protected by ancient storm drakes.
Bunrwo Names
Bunrwo Names typically consist of two parts - an adjective and a noun - consituting a virtue name, similar to the naming traditions of the Goliaths and the Gulya people.
Common prefixes: Bwo-, Be-, Rwo-, Rwe-, Isoba-, Isorwo-
Common suffixes: -racan, -voran, -shan, -varan, -rocan, -van, -sovan
The Chcauzl were a nomadic pastoralist culture who lived in the North East of Fëaforn. On these flat, temperate grasslands, their day-to-day lives revolved around the herding and breeding of horses. They were a highly spiritual people, who revered horses as sacred beings. The Chcauzl practiced blood-based divination magic, which they used to locate fresh pastures, among other things. Elders of the Chcauzl were known as Blood Seers.
Chcauzl people typically had a pale, pinkish complexion and dark hair, but they were most often recognised by their deep ruby-coloured eyes.
Chcauzl Names
First Names: Tlácelel, Qautémoc
Last Names: Miczlántecútli, Achcauhtlí
The Dumrfolk were native to the icy north of Fëaforn. They were descended from some of the earliest migrations into Auriin's mainland from Shuul - from whom the Chcauzl and Gulya were also descended. The Dumr were a proud and resilient people, who produced some of the most distinguished warriors in the region throughout history. They typically had blonde, light brown, or red hair, blue or grey eyes, and a ruddy complexion.
Dumr Names
First Names (Feminine): Elysande, Thawna, Marsha.
First Names (Masculine): Harris, Wymar, Gerhart, Lance, Numen.
The Gulya people were nomadic goatherds from the Etunazna, the arid north-western grasslands of Fëaforn. Their herds supplied Fëaforn with a large share of the meat and dairy that the region consumed, in return for steel weaponry which they used to protect their animals from the dangers of their relatively untamed lands.
The Gulya claimed to be descendants of an ancient clade of giantkin of the same name, though in truth their connection to such people was likely more friendly than familial. Regardless, it is true that they were greatly influenced by the giants, not only in their culture, but also in their appearance. They were often tall and muscular, with greyish-tan skin, dark brown or black hair, and green or amber eyes. Gulya children took a given first name, followed by their mother's first name.
The Morlanii were the most "civilised" ethnic group in Morlan. Most of the permanent settlements in the region were founded and controlled by ancient Morlan families, who claimed to share a common bloodline. Their hair ranged from dark brown to black, their skin was dark mahogany and their eyes were a striking amber. A baby born with dark eyes was rarely considered true Morlanii.
Morlan culture placed great emphasis on grace and elegance; traditional ceremonial attire included features such as lit candles on the head and shoulders, designed to test the wearer's smooth and measured gait. Each great family had a unique way of proving their elegance like this.
The Thunor were a sister group to the Dumr, divided later in history than other human groups. They too could be characterised by their reslilience and resistance to the harsh climes that they called home. The Thunor were native to the eastern face of Mount Nur and the foothills below. They were famed for their skill as miners, having provided the Gwerian Empire with almost all of their coal during the height of their conquest.
Thunor people typically had pale, oaken skin and medium-to-dark brown hair. Their eyes ranged in hue from ice blue to emerald green, to chestnut brown.
Thunor Names
First Names (Masculine): Alexi, Huu, Grigor, Nisof, Boguslaw.
First Names (Feminine): Murgen, Valna, Irmine.
The Qutan were a relatively isolated and deeply spiritual clade of humankind who resided in the humid rainforests on the northern coasts of the Auzgarne mountain range, in Morlan.
Qutan Names
First Names: Shiew, Hia.
Last Names: Jiang, Zan.