
An image of Amenon brandishing his magpie-feather quill.
An image of Amenon brandishing his magpie-feather quill.
Aspect of Nuul
  • Death
  • Record-keeping
  • Scribes
Suggested Alignments
  • Neutral-Evil
  • Chaotic-Evil
Suggested Domains
  • Death
  • Knowledge
  • A magpie-feather quill;
  • A skull, hollowed out into an ink well.


Amenon, the Scribe of the Dead, is an aspect of Nuul who relishes record-keeping, to the extent that he influences the inhabitants of the material planes and cultivates followers with the aim of causing more deaths to be recorded. Unlike many evil-aligned deities, Amenon despises undeath, and his followers are strictly forbidden from practising resurrection, healing and various forms of necromantic magic, though some exceptions are granted where such magic results in a net increase in deaths.


Amenon manifests as a gaunt, skeletal figure, shrouded in tattered, purple-grey robes. He clutches a magpie-feather quill with which he records the names of the dead.


Followers of Amenon range from scribes who share his passion for record keeping, to blood-thirsty berserkers who crave destruction. Clerics to the Scribe of the Dead pray for their spells at dusk, during a ritual in which they author and burn a scroll listing the names of those they have killed that day.